Thursday, October 11, 2018

Underground Comics

I wasn't as surprised as I thought I would be by underground comics. I really didn't find them all that offensive but I think that might be because I went into it expecting to be offended. But at their core, some of them weren't offensive at all. The only way I can really see someone being offended is if they were insecure or unsure of the topic being portrayed. For example, there wasn't anything at all offensive about Gay Comix. It was just a collection of people's stories regarding their sexuality. The only way it can be seen as offensive is if you're homophobic. I guess it's all about perspective though and the reason why I might not find these comics all that jarring is because of the time I grew up in. Maybe if I hadn't been exposed to these topics before, my opinion would differ and reading these comics would be more shocking. Which is probably why they were so shocking at the time of their release. Topics like sex and sexuality were much more taboo and so it makes sense that these comics were so hidden. Today, however, you can find comics about anything and everything offensive. And these comics are all easily accessible online to anyone and everyone. It's crazy to think of what a huge change has occurred not only in comics culture but in our culture in general. What used to be underground is now commonplace. Obviously topics such as sex are still very much hush hush but people are more exposed to it today, which makes the content of these underground comics far less controversial than they must have been at the time of their release.

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